Computer science lesson plan
Class:3rd - Lesson:9 Tux paint (Stamp).

Purpose: Learn to increase, decrease, and flip the image.

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Tux paint.

Curriculum Content
  • (5.3) Loop
  • (4.1) Direction
  • Prior knowledge

    Students should be familiar with New option,Painting tools,Lines/Shapestools and Special options.



    • Open Tux paint app → Stamp → Select any image.
    • Increase / decrease size of the image using the size-increase tool at the bottom right of the Tux paint app.
    • Also try using flip and rotate options using the tools above the sizing tool.
    • Try the below actions in the Tux paint app. Clickhere to open Tux paint game.
    • No Image


  • Link to view the solution.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. Students should know about stamp usage.
    2. Teachers to help students use their creativity to create a unique story.
    3. Students should know how to increase / decrease image-sizes and flipping of images up, down.
    4. Students must be familiar with image stamping.